The Prime Minister must commit to tackling TB

When agreeing the Global Goals in 2015, all countries committed themselves to ending the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic by 2030. At current rates of progress, this will not be achieved for at least another 100 years, yet TB is the world’s biggest infectious killer disease.

The first ever United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB (‘HLM’) on 26 September is a unique chance for the world’s leaders to show how serious they are about getting the global response to TB back on track. The commitments that countries make will collectively demonstrate the global political will to ending the disease and saving millions of lives. The Political Declaration that will be made at the HLM will chart the way for the world to do this, and it is up to all national governments to ensure that it is not just another piece of paper.

With a history of leadership on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and investing in TB, the UK is in a unique position to make the HLM a success, by taking a leading role in helping the international community to step up action against TB. The Prime Minister’s attendance at the HLM will be essential in making this happen. In the run-up to the HLM, please use your local media to explain to the public why the Prime Minister must attend the event and commit the UK to a strong programme of action in the fight against TB.

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