Stepping up action on nutrition

The UK has played a big role in the global fight against malnutrition. Poor nutrition leads to millions of child deaths and wasted human potential, but is entirely preventable. In 2013, then Prime Minister David Cameron established the ‘Nutrition for Growth’ (‘N4G’) agenda, which raised $23 billion of new funding for nutrition programmes.

Four years on, progress has slowed, leaving much still to be done. The commitments made in 2013 will be insufficient to meet global nutrition targets, and new financial commitments are now needed, in addition to full disbursement of all the funds that were previously pledged.

The UK Government has continued to support the N4G agenda this year, working with other donors on a roadmap for securing further financial and policy commitments. 

This November, the next ‘Nutrition for Growth’ meeting will be held in Milan, Italy. With your help, we can make sure that this is the moment the UK Government turns its support for nutrition into financial commitments, enabling every child to get the healthy start in life they deserve.  

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