Despite the focus on hunger and poverty in the MDGs, under nutrition remains a problem of almost unimaginable proportions. In 2010 it was estimated that 925 people in developing countries were suffering from some form of under nutrition- that’s up from 824 million in 1990.
Despite the focus on hunger and poverty in the MDGs, under nutrition remains a problem of almost unimaginable proportions. In 2010 it was estimated that 925 people in developing countries were suffering from some form of under nutrition- that’s up from 824 million in 1990.
There are many causes of this problem: an unfair global food system that favours large scale industrial food production and export from developed to developing countries; significant gaps in international financing for agricultural production; large numbers of people eating not enough or not nutritionally rich enough food; fluctuating food prices that force millions of people into food poverty…..the list goes on.
However, the winds of change are starting to blow.
This June, the leaders of the G8 are meeting in the UK to discuss, among other things, the crisis at the heart of our food system. What’s more, on June 8th ahead of the G8 meeting, David Cameron is hosting a ‘Hunger Summit’ in London, to make a resounding international call for financial resources and political will to tackle under-nutrition. Over the past few months, hundreds of UK charities have been working together as part of the ‘IF Campaign’ to make sure world leaders clearly hear the call to end world hunger.
This month we will be joining the global movement to end the crisis in our food system. We are calling on the UK Government and David Cameron to stand up and make a strong pledge at the Summit and to implement changes that will create a fair and sustainable food system for all.