We are pleased to announce that a recording of our October conference call is now available for download. The call marks the launch of our October action on mobilising UK support for increasing global levels of trained health workers.
We are pleased to announce that a recording of our October conference call is now available for download. The call marks the launch of our October action on mobilising UK support for increasing global levels of trained health workers.
You can download the call here:Â http://www.results.org.uk/sites/default/files/May%20conference%20call.mp3
Our guest speaker on the call was Louise Holly, Senior Policy & Advocacy Adviser at Save the Children UK. Lousie spoke in depth about the global shortage of properly trained health workers, the reasons for the shortage and the steps that the UK and others are taking to address the issue.
Supporting a global increase in health workers is fundamental to achieving the health related MDGs. Find out more and take action now.