hosted organisations
we host organisations whose missions align with our own to collectively make a greater impact on ending poverty
Send my Friend to School
Send my Friend to School is a UK civil society coalition of international development NGOs, teachers’ unions and charities. It brings together young people, politicians, teachers and civil society in joint campaigning to demand quality education for all children across the globe. Send My Friend to School is the UK coalition of the Global Campaign for Education.
Image: Send my Friend to School Campaign Champions meet climate justice activist Push Krishnamurthy at COP26, Glasgow 2021.

International Parliamentary Network for Education (IPNEd)
IPNEd mobilises political leadership for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education for All. IPNEd and its civil society partners support individual political leaders and groups of parliamentarians at the national, regional and global levels to champion education and help deliver on the commitments they have made.
Image: IPNEd at the 66th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in Accra, Ghana where they engaged with parliamentarians from around the Commonwealth to join the network and engage with IPNEd’s resources and campaigns