The end of the year is here, it’s time to celebrate success and plan for 2014!
2013 has been another really successful year for us here at RESULTS. This month we are going to be sharing in our successes of the past 12 months and taking time together to look ahead at our opportunities and campaigns for 2014.
Materials included this month:
- Action sheet: Planning for 2014Â
- Background sheet 1: Campaigning priorities for 2014
- Background sheet 2: Key dates and a little Christmas fundraiser
Group Leaders will also have:
- Planning form
Guest:This month it’s just the staff from RUK!
This month there are groups meeting to join the conference call in: Central London, South London, Poole, the Stort Valley, Birmingham, Oxford, Macclesfield, Central Sheffield, South Sheffield, Leicester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Norwich, Bath, Norwich Leamington Spa, Belfast, Reading and Linlithgow.  If you would like information on the location of your local group, please get in touch with us in the office at: [email protected].
If you would like to join the conference call there are three numbers you can call –  0844 762 0762, 0203 398 1398 or 0800 22 90 900. You must then enter the participant code, which is 18723. If you would like advice about which number to call please contact us in the office.
We look forward to you joining us