Act now to commit the UK to the future of education
Meanwhile, global spending on education is declining just when it is needed most.
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is a unique organisation that is at the forefront of tackling this crisis by supporting education in fragile and conflict-affected states, promoting girls’ education, helping countries increase basic numeracy and literacy skills, and improving teacher effectiveness.
ACT NOW: Read our action materials, join an action call on the 4th Feb with our special guest speaker Sarah Beardmore, Advocacy Officer at the GPE and take our e-action as soon as possible.
Action Materials:
- Action sheet: Fund the Future – Guaranteeing an education for all of the world’s children
- Background sheet 1:Â What is the GPE?
- Background sheet 2:Â The current global education situation
- Easy Learning Exercise
Guest Speaker: Sarah Beardmore, Advocacy Officer at the GPE
This month there are groups meeting to join the conference call in: Central London, South London, Poole, Liverpool, the Stort Valley, Birmingham, Oxford, Macclesfield, Central Sheffield, South Sheffield, Leicester, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Norwich, Bath, Bristol, Leamington Spa, Belfast, Reading and Linlithgow.  If you would like information on the location of your local group, please get in touch with us in the office at: [email protected].
If you would like to join the conference call there are 3 numbers you can call –  0844 762 0762, 0203 398 1398 or 0800 22 90 900. You must then enter the participant code, which is 18723. If you would like advice about which number to call please contact us in the office.
We look forward to you joining us
Felix Jakens
Grassroots Campaign Manager