London, 22 September 2022 – RESULTS UK is disappointed that International Development Minister Vicky Ford MP made no commitment of additional resources yesterday on behalf of the UK Government at the Global Fund’s 7th replenishment conference in New York, though it expects to be able to make a financial commitment in the coming weeks.

There have been understandable pressures on the UK Government, including the cost of living and energy crises, and the war in Ukraine, as well as domestic priorities such as the formation of a new Government and the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II coming just days before the conference. However, this is a massive missed opportunity to continue the UK’s commitment to international development.

RESULTS UK has long advocated for the Global Fund, as one of the most effective multilateral bodies tackling major global disease threats, and one of the best ways of spending the UK’s now sadly diminished Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) budget. Through its partnerships with countries and investors worldwide, the Global Fund has saved 50 million lives over the last 20 years. In 2021 alone, it provided 23.3 million people with antiretroviral therapy for HIV, treated 5.3 million people for TB, and distributed 133 million mosquito nets.

RESULTS’ Executive Director Aaron Oxley said:

“I’ve worked on five Global Fund replenishment conferences, and this is the first one where the UK has left without showing its support financially. Kind words are not enough: at a time when so many of our allies have stepped up and significantly increased their pledges, the UK must not step back from showing global solidarity in the fight against deadly infectious diseases.” 

“We are pleased that the Government has said it supports the Global Fund. But it is highly likely that we will see even lower ODA levels than in the past, and likely reduced levels of funding for multilaterals, as was clearly stated in its International Development Strategy in June. This must not be allowed to hinder UK support for the Global Fund at such a crucial moment in its history.”

Overall, the pledging conference was a success, however, with $14.25 billion of the $18 billion target being raised, with the hope of further investments being announced by other international donors, such as the UK and Italy.

Oxley said:

“While the conference host, the US Government, has shown a high degree of leadership in its call for an uplift in funding to address the increased challenges of tackling these resurgent deadly diseases, we need to see all governments play their part. As a major contributor in the past, the UK must quickly pledge a sum commensurate with its role as a wealthy G7 country – certainly by the end of October. Failing to do so will not only result in a reduction in international funding overall, but will also signal to the rest of the world a significant retreat from the UK’s commitments to tackling disease and poverty.” 



The Global Fund’s Investment Case for the 7th replenishment set out clearly the increased challenges of tackling the three diseases caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which diverted resources and political attention and enabled the diseases to spread in communities facing lock-downs and reductions in access to health care. At present, without additional funding from global and domestic sources, the world will not meet its target to end the three diseases by 2030.

The Global Fund has consistently been found to offer high impact and to be closely aligned to the UK’s international development objectives. By pooling resources, consolidating expertise and leveraging investments from endemic countries and the private sector, the Global Fund offers one of the most value-for-money investments of UK ODA spend.

The UK has been one of the Global Fund’s most significant supporters since 2002. During the previous funding cycle, the UK pledged £1.4 billion. The UK has a seat on the Global Fund board, using its influence to shape Global Fund policy to drive greater efficiency and transparency.

HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria continue to needlessly kill millions each year, despite being preventable and treatable. By continuing to invest in the Global Fund, the UK would not only help tackle these diseases but also help strengthen health infrastructures globally, improving access to basic services for the most marginalised and vulnerable people.

For media enquiries, please contact Naveed Chaudhri, [email protected]

RESULTS UK is a movement of passionate, committed, everyday people who together use their voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. For more information please visit