This month we talked with Zander Wollcombe, Senior Advisor to Pandemic Action Network, about the urgent need for pandemic preparedness. The call was part of our campaign to raise awareness the ‘100 Days Mission’ and global efforts to assure vaccines for all when the next pandemic hits.

During the call, Zander shared his expertise on pandemic preparedness and the importance of taking action to prevent and respond to global health crises. He emphasized the need for increased investment in the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and other initiatives aimed at strengthening pandemic preparedness, as well as the critical role of international cooperation in this effort.

The call also provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share their own perspectives on vaccines and pandemic preparedness. We were inspired by the engagement and commitment of everyone on the call, and we hope to continue this conversation and mobilize action – why not take the action now? Write to the Prime Minister, urging him to support the ‘100 Days Mission’ by pledging £300m to CEPI at the G7 Summit. 

Together, we can work towards a safer, healthier world for all.


Link shared during the call:

Article on Home Office spending of the ODA budget on 1st year refugee costs

RESULTS blog on the risk of negatively stereotyping refugees and asylum seekers

BOND’s statement on the aid budget

Article on the CIVICUS Monitor report rating the UK’s civil society space as ‘obstructed’

Recording of grassroots conference call with Sue Tibballs from the Sheila McKechnie Foundation 

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global TB event in Parliament

Sahera’s blog post on ending TB by 2030

People’s Vaccine Alliance

Grassroots network Discord channel

Gill’s publication on Independent Catholic News

Email address to notify us of any actions you have taken: [email protected]

April action materials

Book recommendations:
Zander: “I’m afraid I don’t read many books about those issues. I mostly read history and PG Wodehouse. Empireland was the last book I read that was geo-political. Most of my opinions are sourced from The Economist, The Times, FT and Guardian.”
Gill: “The Power of Geography, by Tim Marshall; The New Silk Roads, by Peter Frankopan”