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become a campaigner

are you keen to help end global poverty, but don’t know where to start?

Across the UK there are people just like you who care about those living in poverty around the world. Join our network of volunteer campaigners to use your voices and influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty!

While ending global poverty might appear to be too big a problem to fix, many of the solutions to improve global health, nutrition, and education are within reach; what’s missing is the political will to improve policies and invest the resources that are needed to achieve a more equitable world. Together, we can change that!

our grassroots network at a glance

what does it involve?

Writing to and meeting with Members of Parliament

Publishing letters to the editor or opinion pieces online

Amplifying messages on social media

what’s in it for me?

Develop a greater understanding of international development issues

Forge powerful relationships with decision makers

Build key skills in advocacy and campaining to create positive change

Members of the grassroots campaigner network learn to effectively advise policy makers, guiding them towards decisions that improve global health, education and nutrition. Backed by in-depth research and the political expertise of Results’ staff, campaigners realise the incredible power they possess to use their voices to change the world. Every month, we share materials that introduce the campaigns we are working on, why they matter, and what exactly you can do to make a difference. You don’t need specific skills to get involved, just enthusiasm and passion!

We are always looking for more people to join our volunteer network! Spread right across the UK, they meet monthly to learn about the issues we care about and to take action. See the map to find out if there is a group near you. If there isn’t, don’t worry! We also have an online group of campaigners from across the UK, meeting remotely to support and learn from each other.

To get in contact with your local group, the online group or to discuss starting a group in your town or city, email Aurora at [email protected] or call the Results office on 020 3930 9658. We’d love to hear from you!

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