This month, campaigners discussed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), following the SDG Summit at the United Nations in September. With just 7 years left to achieve these ambitious goals, agreed by UN Member States in 2015, there’s a big job left to do, as it’s estimated that they are nowhere near being achieved.

Listen to our guest speaker Lilei Chow, Senior Policy and Advocacy Adviser at Save the Children and Co-Chair of the Bond SDGs Group, who shared her experiences of attending the summit in New York.

The 17 Goals cover a wide range of topics, from environmental sustainability to ending hunger and infectious diseases, and achieving them is vital to ending poverty and injustice around the world. While the Summit’s declaration committed nations to revitalise their efforts to achieve the goals, this will not happen without political will. Which is where RESULTS campaigners come in! This month, we’re asking campaigners to visit their MP, to explain to them why the SDGs are important, in order to build the political support needed to achieve the Goals by 2030.

Check out our action sheet, which contains talking points on the importance of the SDGs, and top tips on how to raise your concerns with your MP.

Links shared on the call:

RESULTS’ statement on the outcome of the UM HLM on Tuberculosis

Meetup webpage for the London RESULTS Group

Advocacy Workshop: Successfully Meet with Your MP – 24 October

Review by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact on the consequences of reduced ODA spending

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Short video shared by Lilei about the SDG summit

Bond article on the outcome of the SDG summit

The advocacy teddy bear that went to New York