Its all over bar the counting…
The numbers came in a rush at the end. Euros, dollars, pounds. New money and old money. Some for one year, others are a seven year pledge. Big numbers for a big problem.
Justine Greening from DFID took the stage and announced an additional £375m in core funding, and £280m of matched funds from 2013 to 2020. A group of technical people are now in a huddle trying to work out what other pledes are new or old, ‘catalytic’ or guaranteed. Ms Greening estimated that all being well this event will have raised “up to” $4.15 billion of which is $2.9 million is core funding.
Opinions are coming in from RESULTS partners around the world. “We applaud the commitment towards addressing Nutrition Challenges” said Alan Ragi of KANKO in Kenya.”These commitments coupled with implementation of Nutrition priority country plans would mark a major step in addressing Nutrition challenges of the world poor , if they are all delivered”.
“We are happy with the pledges ” says Carol Nyirwaitenda, from CITAM+ in Zambia. “In Southern Africa we equate these amounts to the number of lives, especially of women and children, that will be improved and saved through this. But we must now hold donors to account for delivering what they have promised. ”.
So the answer is – the funds will save lives… IF they are delivered, and IF governments can be held to account. Which leads us to IF. So I will sign off now and move over to Hyde Park for the IF rally. Even after the numbers are counted up, Civil Society needs to continue active, continue vigilant, for many months and years to come. To ensure governments deliver their promises to the worlds poor.
Bill Gates and Joyce Banda (President of Malawi) at the summit.