By Dan Jones, Campaigns Manager

Today, 13 members of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Advocacy Group on the Millennium Development Goals released an open letter to G-7 nations calling on leaders to recommit to the world’s most vulnerable children through a successful replenishment of the Global Partnership for Education.
The signers of the letter included global leaders and development experts including Jeffrey Sachs, Muhammad Yunus, Ted Turner, Bob Geldof, Marina Silva, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, and more.
The letter comes as Prime Minister David Cameron and the other leaders of the G-7 wrap up their meeting in Brussels today. In three weeks, their governments will once again gather in Brussels along with other donor nations, developing country governments, civil society, and the private sector for the Global Partnership for Education pledging conference on June 26.
In the letter, the Advocates recognize the pivotal timing of the Global Partnership’s pledging conference, as the international community makes one last push to reach the Millennium Development Goals while, at the same time, we look to the post-2015 global development agenda. A successful replenishment will help the world course correct on education, setting us on a solid path toward achieving quality education for all children.
“We are making a personal appeal for the G-7 countries to lead the world in support of quality education for all by making ambitious commitments to the Global Partnership for Education at this June’s pledging conference.”
This powerful show of support for a successful Global Partnership for Education replenishment comes in the same week as an open letter to world leaders from 98 civil society organisations including RESULTS as part of the Global Campaign for Education. And just days after another letter signed by the Prime Ministers of Norway and Denmark, former Prime Minister of Australia, President of the European Commission and EU Development Commissioner. That letter emphasised the vital need for global investment in girls’ education particularly. The signatories explain the many benefits of educating girls for their families, communities and countries, and ask that more funding be dedicated to it.
Momentum is clearly growing, and RESULTS grassroots are right at the heart of this effort. Hundreds of you have emailed Development Secretary Justine Greening MP as part of our joint ‘Write to Learn’ campaign. Many more are using the #BecauseOfSchool Twitter hashtag to show support for the Global Partnership’s replenishment. Please keep up the momentum – we have just 3 weeks to convince David Cameron, Justine Greening, Barack Obama and other world leaders to make ambitious pledges to the GPE. If they do, the Global Partnership can help get 29 million more children a good education over the next four years.
Take action right now!
- Use Global Citizen to email Justine Greening and Lynne Featherstone, the DFID Ministers.
- Tweet about the UN Champions open letter eg. “UN Champions demand global investments in @GPforEducation: . Will @JustineGreening & @David_Cameron take a stand? #G7”
- And don’t forget to Tweet or post a picture of yourself to show what you’ve been able to do #BecauseOfSchool!