My name is Joe and I am 16 years old and live in Camberwell. There is a requirement at my school that all students in year 11 should do a week of work experience during their summer holiday. I chose to do my work experience at RESULTS because I had heard about the work that is done here and it fascinated me. This is because I am incredibly interested in the social and economic issues that many people face in parts of the developing World and how charities like RESULTS plan to combat them. The specific area of work that I am interested in is microfinance. Microfinance interests me because I feel that it is of extreme importance to give people the money necessary to bring them out of poverty and move towards generating a steady income. This way society is able to progress further economically and through this economic progression comes much improvement in other aspects of society such as health and sanitation. I am greatly looking forward to acquiring new skills during this week and gaining a greater insight into the work that RESULTS and other charities alike do.
Joe joins RESULTS for a week
by Tom | August 4, 2014