A recording of the March grassroots conference call is now available to download here.
In recent years, the UK government has played an important role in raising the global focus of malnutrition.
Yet around 3 million children still die each year from malnutrition, and the world is way off track to meet global targets for ensuring good nutrition. There is a serious risk that progress in tackling malnutrition will falter, and there is much more to be done.
This month’s action focuses on ensuring that the UK government turns its support for nutrition into concrete action and announces new resources to tackle malnutrition.
We were joined on the call by guest speaker Kate Goertzen, who serves on the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Steering Group and shared with us her first hand experience of working on nutrition advocacy.
Kate talked with us about why the UK should spend more on tackling malnutrition, before answering questions from grassroots campaigners across the UK on everything from integrating nutrition with water and sanitation, to how we can increase the impact of existing resources for nutrition.
For more information about this month’s action or the different ways you can get involved with RESULTS UK, please drop me an email at [email protected] or give the office a call on 0207 793 3970.