CAPE TOWN, 28 August 2018: RESULTS UK welcomes Prime Minister Theresa May’s recommitment today in Cape Town to spending 0.7 per cent of the UK’s gross national income on international aid, and to supporting countries across Africa to grow their economies, create jobs and combat insecurity. However, we are concerned at the strong focus in her speech on the UK’s national self-interest. Aaron Oxley, Executive Director at RESULTS UK, said:

“No one can doubt the benefits of supporting job creation across Africa, or that economic growth has lifted millions of people out of poverty in recent decades. The Prime Minister is right when she says that these things are in the interests of the whole global community in an increasingly interdependent world.”

“However, we are concerned that this focus will be at the expense of helping the poorest and most marginalised people to access health, nutrition, education and economic opportunities, and of meeting the aim of the Global Goals to reduce inequality and leave no one behind. Trade and investment that benefits UK businesses, but which does little to tackle the root causes of poverty for Africa’s most vulnerable and marginalised people, should not be the aim of UK aid spending.”


RESULTS is a movement of passionate, committed, everyday people. Together we use our voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to extreme poverty. We have been campaigning around the transition of aid relationships for the past two years.

If you have any questions please contact Tom Maguire, Communication Manager: Email: [email protected] Mobile: +44 (0) 7867562861.