On Tuesday we kicked off 2021 with a network-wide call to plan the year ahead and discuss the key moments coming up for our campaigns.
We were joined by expert speakers from RESULTS UK: Kaleem Luthra, our Parliamentary Advocacy Coordinator, who among other things coordinates our work on global education; Mathilde Chiesa, Policy Advocacy Officer (Nutrition); Harry Rogers, Parliamentary Advocacy Officer (Child Health), and Naveed Chaudhri, Head of Campaigns who gave us an update on the campaign for UK aid.
Our January monthly action for the network is to familiarise yourselves with the campaigns and plan how you might work together as groups in 2021. It was great to hear that the call got many of you excited for the year ahead!
If you’re interested to join our next monthly call, happening on Tuesday 2 February, sign-up to our mailing list for updates.
Watch the call back below (apologies, the recording is missing a couple of minutes at the beginning!)
Links mentioned on the call:
Article by Mark Locock on COVID recovery: www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/poorer-countries-risk-getting-stuck-covid-crisis-2023/
International Development Committee campaign win: https://us4.campaign-archive.com/?u=b82289f1327544e58fc1573d4&id=41a3d8f307
Gill’s article in the Tablet https://twitter.com/resultsuk/status/1339890463487225857
Helen’s article in the Echo https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/18913643.letter-boosted-armed-forces-funding-cut-aid-budget—strange-world/
For those of you who are new/not so familiar with the term ‘craftivism’ and interested to find out more, here’s a good site to look at: https://craftivist-collective.com/
Kaleem’s slides on global education campaigning in 2021 (key points are also summarised in the January Monthly Action sheet): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CVjR84l_IC8MZueNOSw1PgCSKvUjmAbOfCIaUug9DLw/edit?
This is a useful recent article on nutrition and the UK’s role at the moment: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/global-nutrition-crisis-coronavirus-uk-b1784326.html
Some good news for polio eradication: https://news.sky.com/story/pakistan-starts-polio-vaccination-campaign-to-protect-40-million-children-12184988
Here’s a link to the December call Naveed mentioned, with Adam from the ONE campaign focussing on aid: https://www.results.org.uk/blog/december-grassroots-conference-call-oppose-u-turn-aid
ONE’s identification of how better to priorities aid spending: https://www.one.org/international/press/discrepancies-in-aid-spending-failing-worlds-poorest/