In our December call, we reflected on our campaigning in 2021 and heard some updates and news about recent UK Government decisions on international development issues, in particular the disappointing outcomes of the Spending Review and the Nutrition for Growth Summit. We then heard from RESULTS Advocacy Officers about TB, COVID-19 equity and global education which will all be campaign priorities in 2022. For more information about upcoming campaigns and opportunities, and guidance on reflecting on your 2021 campaigning, check out the December action materials.
Call recording:
Links shared on the call:
Bond analysis of COVID-19 dose-sharing
NGOs react to the UK’s stance on the N4G (Nutrition for Growth Summit)
Westminster Hall debate on N4G
August action: Keeping our promises on global health
RESULTS Grassroots Scrapbook 2021
Happy International Volunteer Day: A journey around the world
TB or not TB: An end to this killer infectious disease by 2030
Latest report on the current prevalence of TB, made worse by the COVID pandemic
Information on the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
Conservative MP Dan Poulter’s article in support of a TRIPS waiver