The Global Goals, agreed in 2015 by all 194 UN Member States, is a set of aspirations that all countries aim to achieve by 2030 – now just 11 years away. Covering a wide range of concerns about global poverty and the environment, they set out to make big improvements in the lives of poor people and to tackle inequality. But while significant progress in the fight against poverty has been achieved, millions of people still live in extreme poverty, and progress against some of the Goals is stalling or even reversing.
In July, at a High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), the UK will be one of 51 countries conducting a ‘Voluntary National Review’ of its commitments under the Global Goals on the world stage. This is an important moment to review progress, and to renew our commitment to delivering the Goals. At a time of political turbulence, with the current Brexit negotiations and uncertainty about the role of ‘Global Britain’, RESULTS is calling for senior Ministerial-level attendance at the HLPF, to help spur on greater action to deliver the Goals by 2030.
Please help us achieve this by writing to Secretary of State Penny Mordaunt, thanking her for her support for the Global Goals, and asking her to attend the HLPF in person.