2015 is a huge year for our collective future, nationally and globally. In the UK the General Election will mark the beginning of a new Parliament while at the global level, the new set of goals and targets that will replace the Millennium Development Goals will be finalised and agreed upon at the UN, with the Governments of the world signing up to enact them over the next 15 years.
2015 is a huge year for our collective future, nationally and globally. In the UK the General Election will mark the beginning of a new Parliament while at the global level, the new set of goals and targets that will replace the Millennium Development Goals will be finalised and agreed upon at the UN, with the Governments of the world signing up to enact them over the next 15 years. These goals will not only look at human development issues like poverty eradication, improved education, reducing conflict and promoting gender equality, they will also set targets on tackling climate change and protecting our environment for generations to come.
Having been a global leader on aid and development under successive Governments for the past 20 years, the UK is seen as a key broker in global negotiations, and one of the countries best placed to help deliver a set of global goals that have the power to create a world free from extreme poverty.
To make that happen we need a Government that is ready and willing to continue to lead and deliver. We need a Parliament of MPs ready and willing to scrutinise, support, chide, and encourage the UK to do more and to do better, delivering results for everyone in society, while ensuring full transparency and accountability.
And we need an informed and engaged UK public, ready and willing to constructively advocate for the solutions to our common problems. There is no ‘third world’ any more – instability, poverty and conflict in one region of the world affect us immediately and directly. We must work together to find solutions to our common problems – be they poverty, conflict or climate change.
Through this campaign, into the General Election and beyond, RESULTS UK is working to build understanding and consensus among MPs, candidates and political parties; to educate and inspire the UK public to become active in championing international development; and to advocate for proven, effective solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing us today.