Summer of Action!

It’s Summer! (you can tell by the rain and cloud). Over August, we know lots of people will be holidaying, including many of you and some MPs as well. So we’re deliberately holding back on some of our ‘Health For All’ targeted actions until September. BUT – that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do! This August, there are three ways you can keep building the public and political will to end poverty. We’d love you to do all three.

It’s Summer! (you can tell by the rain and cloud). Over August, we know lots of people will be holidaying, including many of you and some MPs as well. So we’re deliberately holding back on some of our ‘Health For All’ targeted actions until September. BUT – that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do! This August, there are three ways you can keep building the public and political will to end poverty. We’d love you to do all three. Firstly, we hope you’re busy planning for your local ‘Health For All’ event in the Autumn – this month we’re giving you loads more tips and resources for those. Meanwhile, we’d like you to support Project Everyone and The World’s Largest Lesson – a great campaign led by filmmaker Richard Curtis to tell the entire world about the new ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. Finally, the action/2015 coalition is doing a Summer Roadshow of local events, and we’d love to have RESULTS grassroots campaigners at all of these events. So – plenty to keep you busy. Join us on Tuesday to hear all about it!

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