UK aid alleviates poverty and contributes to sustainable development around the globe. It is widely seen as highly effective, and DFID’s programmes are among the most transparent in the world. Most people in the UK believe that we have a moral duty to stand alongside people in developing countries, and in 2015, we signed up to the Global Goals, promising to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030.
Aid won’t achieve that by itself, as big global changes are also needed, including reduced inequality, fairer economic systems, and action on climate change. Yet since 1990, nearly 1.1 billion people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty. Official development assistance from donors such as the UK has made a big contribution to the social and economic development of many countries.
Yet many people believe that aid doesn’t make a difference. Fuelled by attacks on international development in the media, scepticism of aid could increase to a level that puts the existing mainstream consensus on UK aid at risk. This could threaten aid programmes that RESULTS has advocated strongly for, such as nutrition and immunisation programmes, inclusive education, and the fight against infectious diseases. This summer, we’re asking RESULTS campaigners to take on a mission to show the public in their local communities that aid works; and that it is the right thing to do. Demonstrating that there is strong local feeling on the issue will help build the political will needed for an ongoing, world-class UK aid programme that focuses firmly on poverty reduction.