raise support for Education Cannot Wait

Crises such as armed conflict, displacement, climate-induced disasters and epidemics affect people’s lives in many ways, including their access to quality education.

Globally, 222 million school-aged children affected by crises are in need of educational support. Many children affected by crises are out of school, and those who are in school are often not achieving minimum proficiency in reading or maths, or are in need of educational support.

The upcoming replenishment for Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the only global fund for education in emergencies, is an opportunity for the UK to support the education of the increasing number of children and young people affected by crises. Join us to call on the UK Government to pledge £170 million to ECW over the next three years, a pledge which would, among other things, contribute to supporting 20 million children to have a high-quality education.

This month, please write to Andrew Mitchell MP, new Minister for Development to welcome him to his role and highlight the opportunity for the UK to support the dreams of 222 million children and young people affected by crises, by pledging £170 million for the period 2023-2026 to ECW.

We’re asking you to consider getting creative with your letters, making them more eye-catching and memorable – see our December campaign action ideas sheet. Our Action Sheet gives you all the information you’ll need for your letter, and our Campaign Guide on education gives more detail of why education matters and what are some of the barriers preventing children from gaining the life skills they need.

Catch up on the conference call here.

Image: Amadou learns French grammar in school in Sarema, Mali, through an ECW-funded programme. Credit: UNICEF / Keïta


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